Touch My Soul - 12 Roses : 80.00 USD

Understated but truly elegant, this romantic bouquet offers a calming alternative to bright flowers. One dozen pristine white roses are arranged by our expert florists to provide an enchanting gift for the one who touches your soul.

12 x White Roses

These flowers are available for same day delivery subject to our same day guaranteed cut off times. Please see our live timer at the top of our web pages for the cut off time.

We guarantee the delivery date selected however we are unable to guarantee AM or specific delivery time slots. Our delivery team will do their best to deliver as close to your preferred time slot as possible.

Please see our Delivery Areas page for full list of locations we serve.

All flowers, wraps, containers, vases and add on items are subject to availability and may be replaced for an alternative of equal value to ensure timely delivery.

Standard = As shown in the image with XL A Grade Roses

Deluxe = XL AA Grade Roses with additional accompanying flowers and foliage included

Premium = XL AAA Grade Roses with additional blooms included

Excellent Service and first class communicators

"I have used Forever Florist 3 times this year and they have been first class every time, Good products and excellent arrangements. I particularly like the professional touch with regard to communication, Very rapid response to e mails and a nice friendly approach. Well Done guys."

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